Supply Chain Series

Table of Contents:


Exploring Tekton Supply Chain for Cloud Native Development

This blog series offers an in-depth look at Tekton Supply Chain, a key tool for automating CI/CD workflows in cloud-native environments. Tekton, designed for Kubernetes, streamlines the development process by facilitating the build, test, and deployment of applications across diverse cloud infrastructures. Throughout this series, we will dissect Tekton’s components, including Pipelines and Triggers, demonstrating their role in enhancing efficiency and scalability in software delivery. Aimed at developers, DevOps professionals, and cloud technology enthusiasts, these posts will provide practical insights and strategies for optimizing cloud-native application development with Tekton.

Part 1: Overview

Part 2: Frameworks & Tools

Part 3: Introducing the SLSA framework

Part 4: SLSA Levels & Tracks

Part 5: SLSA Attestation

Part 6: Introduction to Tekton

Part 7: How to work with Tekton

Part 8: Tasks and Pipelines

Part 9: Workspaces and Secrets

Part 10: Configuring Tekton Chains and Tekton Dashboard


Dr. Guido Söldner


Guido Söldner ist Geschäftsführer und Principal Consultant bei Söldner Consult. Sein Themenfeld umfasst Cloud Infrastruktur, Automatisierung und DevOps, Kubernetes, Machine Learning und Enterprise Programmierung mit Spring.