VMUG User Con 2024: Rückblick

Am 25. April 2024 öffneten sich in Frankfurt am Main die Türen zur Deutschen VMUG UserCon, der ersten ihrer Art in Deutschland seit der Übernahme von VMware durch Broadcom. Es war ein Treffen der sieben lokalen VMUG-Gruppen Deutschlands, darunter Hamburg, Berlin, Rhein-Ruhr, Frankfurt a.M., Kaiserslautern, Nürnberg-München und Stuttgart. Soeldner Consult war ganz traditionell auch vor Ort.

Keynotes, Breakout-Sessions und Networking

Ein Highlight der Veranstaltung waren zweifellos die Keynote-Speaker. Joe Baguley, CTO EMEA, Brad Tompkins, VMUG Executive Director, sorgten für exklusive Einblicke und brachten eine tolle Atmosphäre auf die Veranstaltung. Darüber hinaus bereicherte die Anwesenheit von Hock Tan das Event, dem Präsidenten und CEO von Broadcom, der weitere spannende Perspektiven aufzeigte.

Neue Erkenntnisse und inspirierende Begegnungen bei der Deutschen VMUG UserCon 2024

Die Breakout-Sessions waren ebenso informativ wie vielfältig. Dabei wurden technische Hintergründe beleuchtet und innovative Methoden präsentiert. Besonders herausragend waren die Vorträge von vRockstars Duncan Epping und Cormac Hogan, die die neuesten Entwicklungen im Bereich vSAN ESA und DSM 2.0 präsentierten.

Die Veranstaltung wurde abgerundet durch die Closing Keynote von Björn Brundert, einem altbekannten Gesicht der VMware-Familie.

Zusammenfassend bot die deutsche VMUG UserCon 2024 eine Fülle von Informationen und Networking-Möglichkeiten für alle Besucher. Ein herzliches Dankeschön an alle Teilnehmer, Referenten und Organisatoren für eine gelungene Veranstaltung, die sicherlich noch lange in Erinnerung bleiben wird.

Wir freuen uns schon auf das nächste Mal.

vRealize Automation 8: Network Profiles – Existing Network


The first and most easy way to use a Network Profile, is to deploy in an existing network. In that case there are no network components that needs to be created on the fly, hence the configuration is easy.

The following instructions will show how to create a Network Profile and configure it accordingly.

  1. Go to the Infrastructure > Network Profiles page and click on [+ New Network Profile]
  2. On the Summary page, provide the following information:
    • Account / region
    • Name
    • Optionally a description
    • Capabilities, which have to match constraints on a blueprint
  3. On the Networks page, add the appropriate existing networks. Remember, if you have more than more network, tags can be used as blueprint constraints in order to match to tagged networks to avoid ambiguity.
  4. On the Network Polices page, there is no need to do perform any configuration.
  5. Click on Create
The image shows a "New Network Profile" creation screen from vRealize Automation 8, with tabs for "Summary," "Networks," "Network Policies," "Load Balancers," and "Security Groups" across the top. The "Summary" tab is selected, indicating the section where basic information about the new network profile is provided. The fields include "Account / region" with an icon and text indicating 'SC labs / SCLABS', the "Name" of the profile as 'NP_Default', and a "Description" box containing the text 'This is the default network'. Below, there is a "Capabilities" section where "Capability tags" are displayed with one tag entered as 'network:standard', suggesting this tag is used to match network profile capabilities to constraint tags in service blueprints. The bottom of the screen features "CREATE" and "CANCEL" buttons, allowing the user to finalize the creation of the new network profile or abandon it.
The image displays the "New Network Profile" configuration screen in vRealize Automation 8, with the "Network Policies" tab selected. Users are provided with options for network creation, specifically for outbound and private networks. The first option, "Do not create on-demand network or on-demand security group," is selected, indicating that no automatic network or security group will be created with this profile. The other options to "Create an on-demand network" or "Create an on-demand security group" are not selected. Under the "Network Resources" section, there are search fields for "External network," "Compute Resources," "Edge cluster," and "Edge datastore," all empty and awaiting input. At the bottom of the interface are "CREATE" and "CANCEL" buttons, allowing the user to either save the new network profile or discard the changes.

Once the network profile has been created, you can go to the blueprint and add a Network element. The following yams shows the code, for an ElasticSearch Deployment (we skip the code to install ElasticSeach) that goes to a specific existing network (we use tags to identify the currect network profile):

formatVersion: 1
name: ElasticStack
version: 1
description: Installs Elastic Stack on a single machine
    type: string
      - ubuntu1604
      - Ubuntu1804
    description: Image/OS required
    title: Image/OS
    default: Ubuntu1804
    type: string
      - small
      - medium
    description: Choose the size of the machine
    title: Flavor
    default: medium
    type: string
    title: Network
    description: Input the network tag information
    default: 'network:vlan41'
    type: string
    description: Input the region that the resources belong to
    title: Region
    default: 'region:sc-central-1'
    type: string
    title: Public Key
    description: Input Public Key outputted from the script
    default: ENTER-PUBLIC-KEY
    type: string
    title: VM Name
    description: Name of the virtual machine
    type: Cloud.Machine
      name: elastic_stack_node
      flavor: '${input.flavor}'
      image: '${input.image}'
      cloudConfig: |
        repo_update: true
        repo_upgrade: all
        package_update: true
        package_upgrade: all
        hostname: ${input.name}
        manage_etc_hosts: true

        - echo "${input.key}" >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
        - echo "${input.key}" >> /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys
        - chmod 400 /root/.ssh/vmware.pub
        - name: '${Elastic_Stack_Network.name}'
          tags: []
          network: '${resource.Elastic_Stack_Network.id}'
          securityGroups: []
          assignPublicIpAddress: false
        - tag: '${input.region}'
    type: Cloud.Network
      name: Elastic_Stack_Network
      networkType: existing
        - tag: '${input.network}'

vRealize Automation 8: Network Profiles

Introduction & Summary

In short, the Network show the following information:

  • The networks and networking objects that can be used for provisioning. Those networks are discovered from the underlying Cloud Accounts and can encompass vSphere network, NSX-T/NSX-V networks or those from Cloud Providers. In order to work with them and allow DHCP from blueprint deployments, we showed how to add additional information like CIDR range, DNS or domain settings.
  • IP ranges could be used to define the set of IP addresses that can be reserved during provisioning.
  • Once those IP ranges have been setup and you configured your blueprint correctly, the IP ranges showed all the IP addresses in use.
  • Load balancers showed all the discovered load balancer
  • Network containers lists containers or groupings of related networks.

Network Profiles

The next thing we want to discuss are Network Profiles.

Basically, Network Profiles are used at runtime to determine which network constructs will be used or created at runtime. Those network constructs encompass existing network constructs (from vSphere, NSX-T, NSX-V, or any VPC, VNET stuff from cloud providers): Those network constructs can be something like networks, load balancers or security groups.

In addition Network Profiles can help to create on-demand network resources. That includes:

  • Public networks
  • Private networks
  • Outbound networks
  • Routed networks

Technically, Network Profiles provide some orchestration stuff, so that we do not need the configure the underlying network management system (for example NSX). For example, when setting up a routed network, vRealize Automation will create a logical switch, a DHCP server and will advertise the NSX routes.

However, configuration is not done with solely in the Network Profile. Some tasks has to be done on the blueprint as well. 

Compared to vRealize Automation 7, the configuration has been simplified, To achieve similar goals, the configuration of network profiles and blueprints was not sufficient in the old version. There was also work to be done on reservations. However, as there are no reservations in vRA 8 anymore, things have become easier.

Besides setting up networks, vRealize Automation can also help you with microsegmentations and firewall rules.  We will discuss everything in detail within the next blog posts.

vRealize Automation 8: Networks – Part 2


As discussed in the last blog post, vRealize Automation allows to manage networks and their configuration settings in an intuitive and comfortable manner. Administrators have an overview over all networks imported from the underlying Cloud Accounts and are able to centrally manage stuff like CIDR Ranges, DNS settings, Gateways and so on.

Besides, administrators can use the IPAM built-in functions of vRA if they don’t have a dedicated IPAM solution like Infoblox.

Perform the following steps to manage IP ranges:

  • Within the Networks page, select the network for which you want the IP ranges to be configured and click on „MANAGE IP RANGES“
  • Click on [+ NEW IP RANGE]
  • Provide a Name for the IP Range
  • Optionally, provide a description
  • Enter the Start IP address
  • Provide the End IP address

Click on Create

IPAM Considerations

Once you have saved your new IP range, you can change to the IP Ranges tab and have an overview about all your configured IP Ranges.

However, there are some caveats in order to use the internal IP Ranges and hence you have to make sure that the following requirements are fulfilled:

  • First, you need the VMware Tools installed on the Linux machine
  • You need to setup a Guest specification in vSphere
  • You have to configure the blueprint to use the guest specification
  • You have to change the Network Assignment to Static on the blueprint

The first two items should be easy to be configured or are most likely already set up properly. The following code shows the necessary configuration on the blueprint.

formatVersion: 1
inputs: {}
    type: Cloud.vSphere.Machine
      image: Ubuntu
      cpuCount: 1
      totalMemoryMB: 1024
        - tags: []
          network: '${resource.Cloud_vSphere_Network_1.id}'
          assignment: static
          assignIPv6Address: false
          assignPublicIpAddress: false
      customizationSpec: Linux
    type: Cloud.vSphere.Network
      networkType: existing
      name: VLAN-41

Once you have accomplished these configuration settings, you can monitor the assigned IP addresses:

Network Load Balancers

When you have NSX integrated, the Network section will also display the load balancers that can be used for provisioned resources.

However, except than setting tags (which is optional), no configuration has to be done here.

Last but not least, the Network Domain section will give you an overview over containers or groupings of related networks. Networks in the network domain are related and non-overlapping. Term equivalents:

  • AWS = VPC (virtual private cloud)
  • Microsoft Azure = Virtual network
  • vSphere = Network

vRealize Automation 8: Networks – Part 1

Network Discovery and Configuration Overview

Like in vRealize Automation 7, setting up network configuration is crucial before being able to create blueprints.

Once a Cloud Account and a Cloud Zone has been configured, you can navigate to the Infrastructure > Networks page and find an overview of networks that have been discovered. 

Streamlining Network Setup with vRealize Automation 8

In addition, vRealize Automation can also keep track about IP ranges. If you configure an IP range and provision a resource from within that range, vRealize Automation is also able to track those IP addresses. If you do not want to rely on the built-in IP adress management (IPAM), you can also integrate a third-party IPAM module. We will show how to integrate Infoblox IPAM in a later post, serving as DNS server as well as an IPAM system.

When provisioning a virtual machine, it is crucial to have network settings injected correctly. This includes the following information:

  • Domain (The domain name is passed to the vSphere machine customization spec),
  • An IPv4 CIDR
  • An IPv6 default gateway
  • DNS Servers
  • DNS Search domains
  • Support Public IPs (this can be used if you want mark the network as a public network, and match it to blueprints having the network type: public property configured).
  • Default for Zone
  • Tags

Setting these information within the network configuration is quite convenient. If your image templates work with DHCP and are using cloud-init for customization, then there is no need for the traditional guest specification anymore, as basic network settings will be injected via DHCP and all the rest via cloud-init (which is by far more powerful than the guest specification and have become a standard).